Lost Solos

Frank Zappa - 2003 - The lost solos series (3 discs)
MP3 | 192 Kbp/s | 68:28+71:07+72:59 Min | 94.1+97.7+100.3 Mb
Genre: Progressive Rock | Covers inside

The lost solos (68:28 min | 94.1 Mb)

01 - Vile And Pernicious
02 - Jelly Bean Etiquette
03 - Sound That Only Dogs Can Hear
04 - Don't Look At The Sun
05 - Acetylene Nirvana
06 - Ten Long Years
07 - Joey Psychotic
08 - Twinkle Tits
09 - Ageerk Alodnos
10 - Where Are They Now
11 - Nighty Little Big Sky Sound Sculpture
12 - Three Eyes Open
13 - We Don't Know That Song
14 - We Da Best
15 - Tiny Do
16 - Baron Von Vloerbedekking
17 - The Bus Strut Torture Test
18 - Their Own Secret Language
19 - When At The Whiskey
20 - Briefcase Blues
21 - Outrage At Chappaquidick
22 - Imaginary Guitar Notes
23 - Miggin Man
24 - Return Of The Son Of The Son Of Alto Wah

The son of lost solos (71:07 min | 97.7 Mb)

01 - And to Continue Now
02 - It's Just An Unflattering Angle
03 - Euro Law Reality
04 - Makes It's Own Sauce
05 - Cat's Nightmare
06 - Metropolis
07 - The Dissimilar Guest
08 - Promiscuity's Finest Hour
09 - 1st On The Bill, Carved up the Hill
10 - Peering Into Dark Water
11 - No Smoking On Trailways
12 - Trick Or Treat
13 - May Snap Shut On Closed Minds
14 - Spontaneous Combustion
15 - Under The Shifting Oyster
16 - In The Memory Of Han Preston Blisterfelt
17 - Look At Me Go
18 - The 4th Lie
19 - Hageerk Olodnab
20 - Girl With The Laminated Resume
21 - Blue Bag Kenyons
22 - Caked Crab Reflections
23 - Epson Sauce
24 - Stones Been Chokin
25 - The Virgin Judy
26 - 59 Morgan

The return of the son of the lost solos (72:59 min | 100.3 Mb)

01 - Did Any Body Dance
02 - Little Tiny Auto Horns
03 - Ornate Punctuation
04 - The Dangerous Kitsch
05 - Don't Go For Help, No One Will
06 - Phony Weel Guards
07 - Tall, Dark And Repulsive
08 - The Point's In My Eye
09 - Cavett!
10 - Never Smoke In Pyjamas
11 - Deep Street Driver
12 - Funny, Rolling Stone Didn't Me
13 - Did I Have A Motor
14 - One Bound Down
15 - Two Apes Meet, Fall In Love An
16 - You Can See It Anytime
17 - Opened 3 Of His Eyes In The Fo
18 - Watch The Pestle Go Mortar
19 - Green Honker Croaking
20 - It Ain't The Time For Begging
21 - Tumershi Inbetween
22 - The Girl That Pretended To Lik
23 - Directions Without Words
24 - Electric Boot-Chain Puller
25 - Rat Tomago Unedited


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